When reactors go through a shutdown, Xe-135 is no longer produced by fission, but is still produced by radioactive decay. The concentration builds up and peaks at its half-life, then it decays into Cs-135. At its peak, however, it is almost impossible to start the reactor up again as there is such an abundance of Xe that it will essentially absorb all available neutrons and the reactor remains below its critical condition. In light of this phenomenon, re-read the module I wrote on the Chernobyl disaster as it is very relevant.
Samarium-149 is another fission fragment decay product that originally started out after fission from Promethium-149 and neodymium-149 (the one?). Unlike Xe-135, however, Sm-149 is stable, so it cannot be decayed out and must be burned up solely by neutron absorption. When a reactor is shut down, Sm-149 is still produced from radioactive decay, but does not itself simply peak and then decay. It peaks and remains. (in the strict technical sense, however, this would be referred to as a maximum, not a peak) Fortunately, Samarium poisoning is minor compared to Xenon poisoning.
I should note that the above poisons only affect thermal reactors. That is, reactors that depend on thermal neutrons for fission. Reactors that depend on fast neutrons and not thermal neutrons, such as FBRs (see my post below on reactor types), are immune from fission poisons.
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 24: Reaction k-Factor
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 23: Davis Besse, Ohio, 2002
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 22: Nuclear Events - Chernobyl, 1986
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 21: Nuclear Events - Three Mile Island, 1979
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 20: Nuclear Events - Browns Ferry, Alabama, 1975
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 19: Nuclear Events - Fermi 1, 1966
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 18: Nuclear Events - SL-1 Event, Idaho, 1961
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 17: Nuclear Events - Windscale, UK, 1957
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 16: Nuclear Events - Chalk River, CAN, 1952
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 15: The Nuclear Business Model
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 14: Neutron Moderation
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 13: Nuclear Reactor Types
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 12: Generating Electricity
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 11: Worldwide Uranium Availability
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 10: Utilizing Nuclear Reactions To "Breed" More Fuel
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 9: Nuclear Fission
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 8: Neutron Interaction
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 7: Radioactive Decay and Half-Life
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 6: Atomic Structures
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 5: Nuclear Waste Storage
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 4: Radiation Types and Radiation "Dose"
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 3: Radiation Types
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 2: A week of training
The Fermi Chronicles - Part 1: The alpha post
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